Welcome to my blog on The secret, the law of attraction. A place where people can exchange ideas and experiences about the unlimited power of the mind.



Hello everybody. Someone here in Quebec, Canada claims that they have won 12 millions thanks to The Secret book, the law of attraction. After reading the book this couple started to visualize themselves winning the lottery at a specific date. The wrote a check of 1 000 000.00 $ with their names on it from loto quebec. They even made a list of people they would share the prize with. They won 12 millions dollars. Is it possible ? Can someone manifest so much money using the secret or is it purely luck ? In fact, so many people are doing that very same thing that eventually someone would win and claim that it was the secret ? What do you think about that ?


LDurand said...

I think anything is possibly and clearly I need start having bigger visualizations!

franx said...

This is a good movie,,and I saw the secret movie more than 5 times..Greeting from Indonesia
Keep it up..nice blog

About Me

Young women in her late 20's that loves life.