Welcome to my blog on The secret, the law of attraction. A place where people can exchange ideas and experiences about the unlimited power of the mind.


Powerful people

The man I want to become,
if I BELIEVE myself to be,
I will become
~ Gandhi



Hello everybody. Someone here in Quebec, Canada claims that they have won 12 millions thanks to The Secret book, the law of attraction. After reading the book this couple started to visualize themselves winning the lottery at a specific date. The wrote a check of 1 000 000.00 $ with their names on it from loto quebec. They even made a list of people they would share the prize with. They won 12 millions dollars. Is it possible ? Can someone manifest so much money using the secret or is it purely luck ? In fact, so many people are doing that very same thing that eventually someone would win and claim that it was the secret ? What do you think about that ?

Vacation Blues...

Good day to all. Losing faith is so easy to do. In the past two weeks, I was feeling little bit blue. I went on vacation to Cuba and some people have told me that I was feeling the backlash of what is called the vacation blues. Can you see how happy I am. No care in the world except to have to fun with my 5 friends. Now that pure happiness to me...you see, I don't have kids yet so pure happiness will probably be seeing my kids walk for the first time but for the moment it's being on vacation with my friends.

It's bizarre because I feel much better now. I just started to tell myself to stop whining about my life. I have a great life and I should be thankful but the human mind is a tricky thing. It's so easy to look at the things that are not going so well. I guess a lot of people feel that way and thats why the secret touched so many people. I have so many things to be thankful for and I just started to repeat to myself that my life is getting better and better every day. I am taking the actions to make it better. If we stand by and hope for things to fall on us we will live a life full of deception. Action is necessary to make youre life as wonderful as you imagine it to be. So be strong every body and stay focused on the prize what ever it may be and be patient. GOOD THINGS COME TO THOSE WHO WAIT. Have a great week.


Getting the passion back into your relationship

The law of attraction, this special way of thinking can change many things in your life. You can become more prosperous, you can have better self estime, you can change your outlook about your job but one of the best things about the secret is the fact that it can help you get the spark back into your relationship or mariage.
I have experienced some moments in my relationship were I felt like the passion was missing and for many women this occurs quite often. Having intimaty problems with your spouse can be very difficult on both partners. In fact, I wanted to use the power of the mind to bring back the spark into my love life. My love life has never been better and I know that using the law of attraction has helped me to stop focusing on the fact that it was not going well and to start focusing on the fact that I am greatful to be in a loving and commited relationship. I started to tell myself that I was in a passionnate relationship even if we weren't at the time.
If you try to shift the way you think about things I can garanty that your life will improve. Intimaty is not only about the satisfaction, it's about that precious moment with your partner, that special time that you only share together. This site can also be of value : http://www.artofloving.com/


The million dollar experiment

I stumbled upon a great site. The http://www.stevepavlina.com/ this site is based on personal growt related to the basic laws of the universe.Steve Pavlina has written over 300 articles and various audio podcast to help us human focus on what we want and how to get it. Various subjects are given on how to attract soulful relationships, on the meaning of life, on the law of attraction. This site also gives tips on how to increase the traffic on your site, on starting a business, on creating more money in your life. His site also offers a 1,000 000.00 $ experiment, this experiment is to provide to all that join the opportunity to attract a 1, 000 000.00 $ in their life throught the law of attraction. This site is well worth the visit.
Many events in my life have brought me to the understanding that there is something greater in the universe and that we should trust our instincts. After seeing the dvd The secret, I realised that I was attracting some good things into my life but not exactly what I wanted because I just didin't think that I could get exactly what I wanted. This new perspective on things has changed my life, I now know that I can get exactly what I want at all times, but clarity must be required. Steve Pavlina explains how there must be a willingness to face the truth when it come to your own life. This insight was very helpful for me because I realised that we do need to face the truth about our life in order to invite change into it. Fear often keeps us from the life we want so it is important to understand the situation that you are in and to face it. There might be areas in your life that need to be better and turning away from these situation and acting as if they are fine will not make them better. We humans who seek a better life can't start wishing for more without taking a good look at our own lives.


The 100 day challenge

Hello again !
The 100 day challenge by http://www.cocreatingourreality.com
Has anyone heard of this challenge, I think it can be a great motivator because often times people see the movie, they want to change their life but they lack the motivation. Sometimes results do not show for a while and it is very easy to get discuraged if you are in a difficult situation it is usually pretty hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel but I think that giving yourself a challenge like this one can help you on the path to having everything you truly desire. Check out my firts posting, anything is possible, you just have to believe you can have it.


The Law of attraction : lets talk !

Hi everyone, obviously if you are here, it is because of the powerful DVD the secret. It has touched so many people now and it is making its way through out the world at an amazing spead. I truly believe that we are coming into a new era, an era of globalization and meetings of the mind through this great tool, the internet. Humanity is ready to share this precious knowledge that has brought so much prosperity to the very few.

I would like to discuss with people about their relationship and their different experiences with the secret. Through these discussions, we will be able to see how powerful this law truly is and how it can change your life easily. I have always lived my life by the law of attraction without even knowing it. My mother has always told me ''Be very careful what you wish for, it can come true''. She encouraged me to wright down precicely what I wanted to have happen in my life. I have noted that the universe will provide so perfectly that you need to be very precise in what you are asking for. The power of the universe is strong and should not be underestimated.

A year and a half ago I lost my job in a transport company, my contract was over and I was unable to find an other job that suit me. I wanted to work for a great company close to my home, but unfortunatly they did not hire easily. People around me told me to try but very few believed that I could be hired, and that I would get the salary I wanted for it was very high since I had no experience and no college degree. I still kept my eye on the company bringing in my resume. I kept driving by and imagining that I was working there. By chance a friend suggested that I should bring my resume to an agency that offers temporary and contracts staffing to different organizations. At the time I had nothing to loose. I still wanted to work for my dream company but I thought they could offer me a temporary assignment until my dream job would be available. I was positive that they would call, I did not know how, I just trusted that it would happen since the secret had already worked in other aspects of my life. I wrote down on a sheet of paper exactly what I wanted: the name of the company, my job description, the salary I was aiming for... I used to look at it everytime I had the chance, picturing me already working there. I had moments of dispair, days where I thought I was dreaming in color as no one was calling me for a job until one friday afternoon the agency were I had brought my resume (coincidence, I don't think so ?) told me that they had an interview for me monday morning and guess where this interview was, that's right, at my dream company ! I hung up the phone and started crying because I was so happy that I had trusted the secret, I knew that job was mine. I now have been working at my new job for a year and a half and I have recently had a great promotion. My friends and family were amazed that I could get such a great job with so little experience, at this great company without any help and with the salary everone thought I could not get ! The law of attraction is very powerful, this is only one of the many experiences that have happened to me in my life.

I can attract anything I want, may it be small or large, material or may it be an experience I am looking for. It comes to me easily and it can happen to anyone.

Since seeing the dvd the secret http://www.thesecret.tv, it has put so many things into perspective. I thought in a way that I was limited in what I was asking for, but the dvd made me understand that you set the boundry of what you believe in. If you believe that your salary is the only money that can come into your life, then the only money that is going to come into your life will be your salary. I realized that what ever it is, I can have it and I am talking about material and non-material things. I am not limited, you are not limited, you can have the body you want, the relationship you want, the financial freedom you want but you must take into consideration that you will determine what kind of success you will have with this. Many people I love have watched the secret and they want to turn their life around but at the same time their old habits keep coming back and the negativity comes back. You must be constant if you can hope for success. You must stay focused on what you want all the time and push away any negative emotions that come from your old habits.

I want my life to be great. It is already great and I am going to make it better and better for years to come. I want to exchange with people about their experiences with the law of attraction. I will post different books and ideas weekly that I have read or experiences that can help you in your quest to find happiness in this world. We humans can help each other to find the beauty that is inside of ourselves, I am happy to share with you and hope to read from you very soon.

Check out http://www.abraham-hicks.com/ , this women is featured in the secret dvd, she is very intresting. Their book the law of attraction, is on New York Times Best Seller list.

About Me

Young women in her late 20's that loves life.